ELI PARK Bucharest

Did You Know That:

ELI PARK Bucharest is an industrial park planned, which will be built in three phases, with a total area of ​​68,000 square meters expected. The first phase was developed in 2021 with an area of ​​18,000 square meters. The second phase is represented by an area of ​​30,000 square meters with a completion date of 2022. For the third phase, 20,000 square meters are planned.

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ELI PARK Bucharest

a few specifications

A0 - A3 highways

Immediate access to european roads and infrastructure


Widely available - 1,189,000 people

2,6 mil. inhabitants

Bucharest-Ilfov region population (2022)

5 min drive

Quick access to Bucharest’s ring road

210k sqm GLA

Flexible extensions options

2,100 sqm

Minimum rentable area

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Kristof Schils
Anamaria Tihu
Oana Stupinean
Anamaria Tihu
Oana Stupinean

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